Chicago Asylum Seeker Clips – June 5, 2024

ABC Chicago: Will President Biden’s immigration order limiting asylum-seekers affect migrants in Chicago?

CBS News Chicago: What will President Biden’s executive action mean for migrants who have come to Chicago?

Fox 32 Chicago: Gage Park reopens facilities a year after closing to house migrants

National News

New York Times (Analysis): To Restrict Migrants, Biden Leans on Trump’s Favorite Immigration Law

“Mr. Biden’s announcement is a stunning reversal for a president and a party that spent years arguing that America was a country of immigrants.”

The Guardian (Analysis): Biden’s immigration order: a re-election bid that could result in ‘suffering and death’

Axios: ACLU to sue over Biden’s border executive order

“We intend to sue. A ban on asylum is illegal just as it was when Trump unsuccessfully tried it,” Lee Gelernt, who successfully argued a similar challenge under former President Trump, told Axios.

Statements on Biden’s Executive Action

Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights: “Instead of following the Trump playbook and restricting the right to asylum, President Biden & Congress should expand TPS eligibility; focus on funding states, cities, and community groups welcoming new arrivals; and pass permanent solutions including a pathway to citizenship.”

Rep. Delia Ramirez: “Our nation’s leaders have compromised our commitment to protection for desperate families across the world and agreed to send them back to dangerous conditions after traumatic journeys. Republicans will tell you we are facing a crisis at our border. I argue we are facing a crisis of conscience.”

Rep. Chuy Garcia: “Today’s announcement by President Biden is his most restrictive border policy yet. The Executive Order contradicts international and domestic law—previous asylum bans have been repeatedly struck down by U.S. courts—and runs contrary to our values as a nation.”

Senator Dick Durbin: “Nearly four months ago, Congress had an opportunity to help secure the border with the bipartisan border bill. Instead, in a stunning reversal, my Senate Republican colleagues opposed this bipartisan agreement, refusing to address these pressing issues, completely disregarding their urgency, and instead prioritizing Donald Trump’s demands.”