Chicago Asylum Seeker Clips – October 21, 2024

Block Club Chicago: Prominent Migrant Shelters Downtown, In Hyde Park Close As Drop In New Arrivals Continues

WGN Chicago: Former Standard Club is no longer housing migrants

CBS Chicago: Chicago closes migrant shelters in Hyde Park and The Loop

Borderless: What To Know About Chicago’s Aim To Merge Migrant, Homeless Shelter Systems

WBEZ: More immigrants are under surveillance by ICE’s Chicago field office than ever, data analysis finds

The Chicago Tribune: Venezuelan refugees reunited with their cat, thanks to rescue group; ‘We couldn’t leave her as if she was a toy’ (share link)

National News

Newsweek: Abortion Overtakes Immigration in Voters’ Minds

NBC News: Trump vows to deport millions. Builders say it would drain their crews and drive up home costs.

“Former President Donald Trump’s pledge to “launch the largest deportation operation in the history of our country” would hamstring construction firms already facing labor shortages and push record home prices higher, say industry leaders, contractors and economists.”

The Guardian: A third of Americans agree with Trump that immigrants ‘poison the blood’ of US

“This is a truly alarming situation to find this kind of rhetoric, find this kind of support from one of our two major political parties,” said Robert Jones, president and founder of the PRRI, during a presentation of the poll’s findings. “That language is straight out of Mein Kampf. This kind of poisoning the blood, it’s Nazi rhetoric.”

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