Chicago Asylum Seeker Clips – July 18, 2024

NBC Chicago: Gov. Abbott says Texas will continue busing migrants to Chicago during RNC speech

“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott blasted the Biden administration’s immigration policies during a Wednesday speech at the Republican National Convention, and said that the state will continue busing migrants to Chicago and other sanctuary cities.”WTTW: From Immigration to Public Safety, What a Trump Victory Could Mean for Chicago

“Trump’s plan to roll back the progress we have made to strengthen the economy, defend reproductive rights, protect the environment, uphold democracy, and more, poses a unique and serious threat to everything we hold dear here in Chicago,” [Mayor Brandon] Johnson said.

National News

The New York Times/The Morning Newsletter: The Myth of Migrant Crime

“Trump and other Republicans have suggested that immigrants are especially likely to be criminals. They point to a few anecdotes. But the data shows the opposite: Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes. There are genuine issues with the border and illegal immigration, but more crime is not one of them.”

The New York Times: What It Would Take to Deport Millions of Immigrants

Politico: How Trump and Republicans ‘won the war’ on immigration

“Donald Trump’s signature pledge to “build the wall” was a taboo-busting provocation when he first ran eight years ago. Now, it sounds almost conciliatory. The Trump 2.0 agenda goes beyond sealing the border by promising to enact “the largest deportation operation in the history of our country.” And Democrats, finding themselves on the defensive on border security, are dropping their long-standing insistence that any clampdown must be coupled with a systemic overhaul. To that end, President Joe Biden recently issued executive action to restrict asylum-seekers.”

Newsweek: What Immigration Is Doing to America’s Labor Market

“The United States’ economy is at risk by not allowing more migrants to work, leading to a widening gap in the workforce, a bipartisan immigration group has told Newsweek.”

Vox: The clever politics of Republicans’ anti-immigrant pitch