CBO Briefings on New Arrivals Deck

Homeless Services – Family & Support Services
Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
For landlords: Asylum Seekers Rental Assistance Program.
Our Asylum Seeker Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ASERAP) launched on December 5, 2022, focusing on locating permanent housing solutions for those seeking asylum who are currently housed in one of the provided intermediate housing shelters. by the State of Illinois or the City of Chicago, in association with the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS)
This program will be in the form of a one-time grant up to $15,000. This grant may provide up to three months of rental assistance (plus move-in fee when applicable) for eligible participants. We ask that a minimum of six-month lease agreement be signed.
Our IDHS partners will receive all leads so they can coordinate and match vacancies with families. If you are interested in participating, please send the following information to ASERAP@IHDA.ORG:
Property Address; Move in Fee; Monthly Rent Amount, Number of Bedrooms; Number of Bathrooms, Utilities Covered by Rent; Earliest Move in Date, Housing Provider Full Name; Housing Provider Email Address; Housing Provider Phone Number
If you have any additional questions, contact Customer Service at, please contact our customer service at (866) 454-3571 Monday, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8am-5pm and Tuesday and Fridays from 8:30-5:00pm
Thank you,
ASERAP Customer Relations
Know Your Rights: Eviction and Lockout Resources
Sanctuary Working Group. Contact Chris Inserra (773) 307-8867.
Faith Community Initiative Emily Wheeler fciprogrammanager@lppchurch.org
Faith-based Housing Information
Affordable Housing Units by Community Area
The affordable rental housing developments listed below are supported by the City of Chicago to maintain affordability standards. For information on rents, income requirements and availability, contact each property directly. For information on other affordable rental properties in Chicago and Illinois, call (877) 428-8844, or visit www.ILHousingSearch.org.
Based on Affordable Rental Housing Developments
View the data View the dataAffordable Rental Housing Developments – Map
The affordable rental housing developments listed below are supported by the City of Chicago to maintain affordability standards. For information on rents, income requirements and availability, contact each property directly. For information on other affordable rental properties in Chicago and Illinois, call (877) 428-8844, or visit www.ILHousingSearch.org.
Updated 10/17/2023
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